Thank you for trusting our care.

Please download our referral form here.
Or fill in the electronic referral form below.
*Radiographs can be sent electronically to .
If you have any questions, please call us at 604 638 6993 . Thank you.

    (*) required fields

    1. Date( MM/DD/YYYY) *

    2. Introducing *

    3. Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) *

    4. Guardian *

    5. Relationship *

    6. Address *

    7. City *

    8. Postal codes *

    9. Home phone *

    10. Patient other phone:

    11. Patient Email *

    12. Reason for Referral / Comments *

    13. Radiographs*

    NoneMeditran/Doc Servicesby Mailwith Patientby Email
    If "by email" is selected, please email us at with patient's name in subject line"

    14. Referred by *

    15. Office Phone *

    16. Office Email *

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